Finally! Here is my Christmas present from my darling. Though it's being a little bit late. However, I'm still ecstatic to receive it after waiting for a month.
Lovely Christmas ornaments. They make me recall my childhood that always looking forward to Christmas with fantasy. It has been a long time that I didn't decorate our Christmas tree with my family. I miss those innocent time a lot and miss my family as well.
Bodymilk and fruit flavor shampoo. The smells of them are like coming from a charming fairy tale. I guess my mom must love the smell very much. But, um! Will I really take shower or wash my hair with them? Ohhh, I'm really reluctant!
You see the fabulous red box with snow pattern on it which is made of wood. I really Love it because of its unique and exquisite design though I hardly ever like things with red.
They're all my feedback that will be sent for valentine's day. Seems crazy that they're all chocolate. Undoubtedly, my boy friend is a super chocoholic as I am. I suppose we will consist a family of chocoholic that our house may be filled with any kind of chocolate everywhere.
Otherwise, there's a poster of our logo (Him and Her) which was designed by Him for our website. See the following picture.